You know how at the beginning of a game of Jenga all of the pieces form a perfectly stacked tower?...One piece resting on another, building on the previous one, climbing up one level at a time?
That’s kind of how I felt about my daily routine a few months ago. (Ok, maybe it wasn’t that perfect, but that’s how I’m choosing to remember it.)
Then along came COVID-19, like a toddler trying to grab a piece from the bottom of the tower, wrecking my routine (and probably yours).
But life goes on (Yeah, I know, it feels different for me too) and we need to find a sense of normalcy in this “unnormal” time.
We can find that sense of normalcy in our routine.
Artists make beautiful mosaics from broken glass so why can’t we pick up the pieces too?
Some parts of your old routine are now impossible (or at least against lock-down laws) and need to be thrown out.
Some parts of your routine need to be tweaked.
And some parts of your new routine you will need to create based on your circumstances at home.
But the important thing is that you create a routine for yourself, and do your best to stick to it.
You may have heard the expression that we are "creatures of habit".
Well, your routine is a collection of those habits.
In a time of great uncertainty, the structure of a routine can give you something to be certain about...something that you know you control.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and please share it with anyone that you think it might help.
Stay strong.