What an event! And to be completely honest with you, I only saw the last half of the fight but the event and build-up was special. It truly was a modern-day spectacle.
Being a UFC fan I was pulling for the Irishman so I may be a little biased but I also came out of it liking Floyd Mayweather more than I ever have.
Two things really stick out to me as I think back on this fight:
- Connor McGregor's Competitiveness. He gets it. It may have looked like he was challenging boxing's pound-for-pound king but in reality, McGregor was challenging himself. McGregor is not afraid to take on massive challenges. He's not afraid to be the underdog. Connor McGregor is not afraid to FAIL. And that's why he has climbed to the top of his sport, MMA, so rapidly and was able to challenge the throne of another sport, boxing. If Connor McGregor's goal in competing was simply "to be the best", he would've just stayed in the UFC. Switching sports was about daring to do the unthinkable, getting out of his comfort zone and challenging himself to reach new heights. We can all learn from his fearless competitiveness.
- Floyd Mayweather's Composure. This wasn't an observation that I made myself but something that was brought to light by Connor McGregor's post fight comments in a locker room interview. He said that the major difference between him and Floyd in the ring was not skill (very debatable) but composure (very insightful). What if two of today's fittest, toughest and baddest gladiators engaged in a brutal pugilistic contest and the deciding factor ultimately came down to mental skills and emotional control. That would be something...
Something that we could all learn from and strive to improve on.